
開學「營」新大激賞(Be Cool! To School. Lucky Draw)


大獎: MacBook Air一部 (價值: 港幣7,488元)(共1名)


中文或英文姓名聯絡電話 (頭4位數字)
Lai Pui Tung 6353



二獎: iPad Wi-Fi 32GB一部 (價值:港幣2,588元)(共3名)


中文或英文姓名聯絡電話 (頭4位數字)
Cheung Man 9720
Lai Sau Wan 9839
Tse Hiu Wai 6077



三獎: 商務印書館現金券一張(價值港幣50元)(共100名)


中文或英文姓名聯絡電話 (頭4位數字)
AU KA YEE 9446
Chan Oi Ping 6130
Chan Yan Yan 9708
Chan Yuk Yu 9783
chau hei man 9831
Cheung Ling Yan 9418
Cheung Man Wah 9716
cheung man yin 9493
Cheung Wai Cheong 6229
Cheung Yin Mei 6077
Choi To Kam 9631
Choi Yiu Tung 9529
Chow Chi Fai 9435
Chow Chun Chun 6372
Chow Miu Fung 6330
Chow Yuk Yi 9488
Chu Susan 9559
Chung Chi Chung 9047
fan sin ping 9866
Ho Hoi Ting 6064
Ho Pui Shan 9746
Hu shui juan 5519
Hui Siu Man 9212
Ip Lai Man 9202
Ip Sing Chung 6430
Jennifer Tang 9227
kwok nui 6258
Lai Ka Mei 6600
Lai Suet Lan 6072
Lai Yuen Siu 5290
Lam suk ha 9230
Lau Kong Chung 9159
LAW Pak Kiu 6357
Lee Lai Fun Lucia 6023
Lee Lap To Aric  9750
LEE, Wing Kuen 9877
Leung Kwan 9701
Leung tsz kin 9642
Liang Li 6744
Lo ka wai 6590
Man Siu Ha 6173
Mok Hoi Lin 9876
Ng Ka Yee 9182
Ng Yin Yan  9820
Siu Yuk Wa 6793
So Oi Ying 5111
So Tak Fat 6841
Tam Ching Chi Rachel 9403
tam wai keung 5499
Tsang Kar Yee 9109
Tse Ngar Sze 9532
TSOI Chung Yan 9450
Wan Sui lam 6476
Wong Fung Lin  9801
Wong Lap Wing 9755
Wong Mei shan 5362
Wong Shing Chung 6575
wong siu shing 5405
WONG Wai Man, 9220
Wong Yiu Kai 9306
Wong Yuk Wing 5137
WONG.Lam.Yan 6173
Wu Man Ling 9883
Yap Kar Chun 6096
Yeung Lok Shi 6601
Yuen Fuk Wai 6606
何少屏 6734
何美珍 9540
周小玲 9871
尹俊文 6181
張麗媛 6224
朱健偉 5131
李淑嫺 9768
林廷 6619
梁寶玲 9769
潘祥勝 9088
謝靜明 9494
郭芷媚 9092
鄭偉昌 9755
阮文珍 9419
陳丽貞 9412
陳佩玲 9589
黃茵 9581
黃貴雙 9478
龍偉平 9791


Promotion Period:

From 3rd Aug to 30th Aug 2018




由即日至2018年8月30日,於指定商戶購買Anchor安佳(牛奶及奶粉除外*)、Chesdale芝司樂、Mainland或Perfect Italiano產品滿$60或以上^,將所需資料以WhatsApp發送至9358 4828登記,成功登記即可參加開學「營」新大激賞,品嚐營養豐富的美食,又可以贏取最型最新的電子用品,助你更易學習!

Promotion Detail:

From now till 30th Aug 2018, purchase $60 or above of Anchor (excluding UHT milk and milk powder*), Chesdale, Mainland or Perfect Italiano products at designated retailers are entitled to join “Be Cool! To School. Lucky Draw”. Register with information via WhatsApp at 9358 4828 to win the latest electronic gadgets. Well prepared to school and enjoy learning easily.




*Exclude Anchor Full Cream Milk Powder 900g / 1800g and Anchor UHT Pure/Skim Milk 1L


^ The offer is based on single transaction and discounted price within promotion period


活動查詢熱線: 9358 4828

Enquiry hotline: 9358 4828



  1.       中文或英文姓名(必須與身份證相同);
  2.       聯絡電話;
  3.       聯絡地址;
  4.       身份證號碼(頭4位數字);
  5.       收據圖片(必須包括商戶名稱、購買日期、收據/交易編號、產品名稱及購買總金額)。

Registration information:

  1.       Chinese or English Full Name (must be the same as HKID Card);
  2.       Contact number;
  3.       Mailing Address;
  4.       The first 4 digit of HKID;
  5.       Photos of printed receipt (Shown merchant’s name, purchasing date, receipt No., product name, and total purchase value)



禮品 Prize:

大獎: MacBook Air一部 (價值: 港幣7,488元)(共1名)

1st prize: MacBook Air 1pc (Value: HK$7,488) (1 winner)

二獎: iPad Wi-Fi 32GB一部 (價值:港幣2,588元)(共3名)

2nd prize: iPad Wi-Fi 32GB 1pc (Value: HK$2,588) (3 winners)

三獎: 商務印書館現金券一張(價值港幣50元)(共100名)

3rd prize: The Commercial Press voucher 1pc (Value: HK$50) (100 winners)


活動條款及細則Terms and conditions

  • 活動日期由2018年8月3日至2018年8月30日。
    Promotion period starts from 3rd Aug to 30th Aug 2018
  • 指定商戶包括百佳超級市場(及旗下品牌包括:百佳超級廣場、FUSION、TASTE、INTERNATIONAL、GOURMET、SU-PA-SE-PA (超市部)、Food le Parc、GREAT)、惠康超級市場、Market Place by Jasons、ThreeSixty、華潤萬家超級市場、AEON、一田百貨、APITA、UNY及PIAGO。
    Designated retailers including PARKnSHOP Supermarket (and other brands including PARKnSHOP Superstore, Fusion, Taste, International, GOURMET, SU-PA-DE-PA (Supermarket), Food le Parc, GREAT ), Wellcome Supermarket, Market Place by Jasons, ThreeSixty, China Resources Vanguard Supermarket, AEON, YATA Department Store, APITA, UNY and PIAGO.
  • 部分Anchor安佳產品、Chesdale芝司樂、Mainland或Perfect Italiano只於指定商戶或店舖有售。
    Distribution points of Anchor, Chesdale, Mainland or Perfect Italiano product are subjected to designated retailers or stores.
  • 參加者必須於2018年8月30日前購買產品,並於2018年8月31日晚上11時59分前憑機印收據正本,並發送收據相片進行登記(機印收據必須包括購買商戶、購買日期、產品名稱、購買數量及金額,所有手寫收據一律不被接納)。
    The participant must purchase products on or before 30th Aug 2018. Register with and send the original computer-generated receipt on or before 31st Aug 2018 by 11:59pm (printed receipts must include merchant’s name, purchasing date, receipt no., product name, and total purchase value; all handwritten receipts will not be accepted.)
  • 參加者必須為年滿18歲或以上香港特別行政區居民
    Participants must be at least 18 years of age and who are Hong Kong permanent residents with a valid permanent HKID card.
  • 每名參加者只限中獎一次; 並須於領奬時出示登記收據正本供核實之用,領奬後收據將不獲發還。
    Each participant can only win once. The original receipt must be presented for verification upon prize redemption. The receipt will not be returned.
  • 以折實價及單一發票計算,收據不可累積,每張收據只限登記一次。重複參與之收據,所有記錄將自動作廢。任何不乎合資格的參加者均不會另行通知。
    The offer is based on single transaction and discounted price within promotion period.Receipt cannot be accumulated. Each original machine-printed receipt can only be registered once only. Participants with duplicate registration will be counted as invalid registration. All disqualified participants will not be contacted or notified.
  • 收據如有遺失、不完整、偽造、經塗改、任何形式損毀、重印、補發的收據或影印本之收據一概不接受。
    Receipts are lost, incomplete, forged, altered, any form of damage, re-print, re-issue or photocopied receipts are not accepted.
  • 是次推廣僅限以WhatsApp發送之資料登記參加。參加者發送資料登記即代表其了解、接受及願意遵守本公司就活動所訂立的條款及細則及接受本公司擁有此等條款及細則所述的權利。
    Registration is only available via WhatsApp. By participating and submitting documents for registration in this promotion, the participant agrees to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the promotion and any decision the Company makes regarding this promotion.
  • 參加者所提供的資料將不可更改,所有資料均以WhatsApp登記之紀錄為準,錯誤、不完整或重新輸入交易資料將被視作無效,參加資格將被作廢而不作另行通知。
    Participants do not able to amend information once submitted. All information is subject to the records registered by WhatsApp. Any wrong, incomplete or missing information provided will be voided. Notification will not be sent for any voided registration.
  • 得獎結果將於2018年9月7日刊登於星島報及英文虎報,及後得獎者會於7天內收到確認訊息通知。MacBook Air及iPad 32GB Wi-Fi禮品必須於2018年9月10日至21日親身到指定換領中心領取,得獎者於領獎時必須出示有效香港身份證明文件及已登記的收據正本(必須與活動登記之產品種類及購買日期相同)作最後核實,如未能提供、或所提交之單據未能符合參加資格,得獎資格將會被取消。而商務印書館現金券則會以平郵方式寄至得獎者登記之聯絡地址。如禮品因郵遞失誤而導致寄失、延遲或損毀,或參加者所提供之郵寄地址錯誤,恒天然乳品(香港)有限公司將不會補發獎品。
    Result will be announced by Sing Tao daily newspaper and The Standard on 7th Sep 2018. Winners will be notified by WhatsApp within 7 days. Winners should redeem MacBook Air or iPad 32GB Wi-Fi in person with HK identity card and original receipt (Purchase information as per registration) at designated redemption centerfrom 10th Sep to 21st Sep 2018, either one is missed will be disqualified. The Commercial Press voucher will be sent to winners’ registered address by mail after announcement. Fonterra Brands (Hong Kong) Limited shall not be responsible or liable for any lost, delayed or damaged due to postal error or inaccurate registration of address information.
  • 所有禮品不可轉讓、退換或兌換現金。
    Prizes are not transferable, refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • 所有禮品受列印於獎品上的條款及細則規範,並必須依禮品上所示的期限及使用方式使用。
    All prizes are governed by the terms and conditions printed on the prizes and must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions shown on the prizes.
  • 得獎者未能於換領期間換領禮品,將被視作棄權,所有禮品將不獲再次安排換領及不設任何補償。
    Winners who do not collect their prize within the collection period will forfeit the item without being compensated.
  • 有關禮品之質素或任何有關責任,恒天然乳品(香港)有限公司概不負責。
    Fonterra Brands (Hong Kong) Limited and its agency shall not be responsible for the quality of the prizes.
  • 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。
    All photos and values of prizes shown in promotional materials are for reference only, the real object should be considered as final. The values of prizes are provided by suppliers according to their listed market prices available and are non-disputable.
  • 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼Trade Promotion competition Licence no.: 50794
  • 換領中心地址:九龍新蒲崗大有街26-20號天虹大廈8樓 [辦公時間上午10時至下午1時30分及下午2時30分至6時30分 (星期六日及公眾假期除外)]
    Redemption center address: 8/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon [Office hours: 10am to 1:30pm & 2:30pm to 6:30pm (except Saturday, Sunday and public holiday)
  • 恒天然乳品(香港)有限公司之員工及其家屬及此活動之代理機構之員工均不能參加此抽獎活動,以示公允。
    In fairness, employees and immediate family members of Fonterra Brands (Hong Kong) Limited, its agencies and related service providers are not eligible to participate in this promotion.
  • 如對上述活動有任何爭議,恒天然乳品(香港)有限公司保留最終決定及解釋權。
    If there is any dispute about the promotion, Fonterra Brands (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right of final decision and interpretation.
  • 參加者所提供的個人資料只作本廣告用途,所有資料均按個人(私隱)條例處理,並於推廣期完結後三個月後銷毀。參加者可依個人意願提供其個人資料。如參加者不願意提供相關資料,整個登記程序將不會完成,並視為未參加本推廣活動。因任何電腦、網路等技術問題而引致參加者所遞交的資料有任何遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,本公司一概不負上任何責任。
    Personal data provided by the participants are for the use of this promotion only. Personal information (The first 4 digits of HKID) is handled in accordance with the Personal (Privacy) Ordinance and will be destroyed three months after the end of the promotion period. Participants can provide their personal information at their free will. If the participant does not wish to provide the relevant information, the registration procedure will not be completed and will regard as void. The company will not be held liable for any delay, loss, mistake, or unrecognizable due to any computer, internet or other technical issues.